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Analytical Services and Pricing

Drinking Water Testing Services


Coliform Bacteria $20

 Nitrate $20

Hardness $12

Alkalinity $12

Conductivity $7

pH $7

Chloride $12

*Private Well Package $90

*Private Well Package + Iron $115

*Point FHA Testing $115

Arsenic $37

Lead $35

Iron $25

Nitrite $35

*Coliform Bacteria / Nitrate / Arsenic Package $77


* All tests can be performed individually and may require additional bottles.

**Private Well Package includes: Coliform Bacteria, Nitrate, Chloride, Alkalinity, Total Hardness, pH and Conductivity.

***Point FHA Testing includes: Coliform Bacteria, Fecal E-Coli, Nitrate, Nitrite and Lead.

Sample Bottles can be picked up and samples can be dropped off Monday Thru Saturday -  All Day.

*Samples must be received within 24 hours of collection.


* Prices subject to change without notice.

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